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RNG Releases More Than 1 Million Pelyad Juveniles Into the Rivers of Yakutia This Year


This is five times more than a year earlier. The event will pass as part of the implementation of agreements on the artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources and a voluntary initiative.

The agreement for all works performance has been concluded with the Chernyshevsky Fish Hatchery State Unitary Enterprise. This is the only enterprise in Yakutia for fish breeding. The water for this purpose is taken from the Vilyui reservoir, and the process of artificial spawning takes several months.

Since 2018 the RNG ecologists have already released 1 million 556 thousand of pelyad juveniles to the waters of Yakutia. This year it is planned to release juveniles in the Aannyaah River in late June.

In addition, the subsidiary of RNG donated 200 tons of crushed stone to the Chernyshevsky Fish Hatchery for the development of its cage farm.

“We are grateful to RNG for cooperation. Together we are taking serious steps to restore valuable fish species in Yakutia”, commented Vasily Cherepanov, Director of the Chernyshevsky Fish Hatchery.
