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Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field was discovered


RNG won an open subsoil auction for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons within the Eastern Blocks of SB field in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


The сompany obtained a license for subsoil use in the bounds of Srednebotuobinskoye field

RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft LLC developed a Field Exploration Program for 2011-2015 within the license area.


In 2010-2011, 400 rkm of 2D seismic surveys were shot


During the 2011/2012 winter season, the Company completed 3D seismic surveys over 250 square kilometers of its license area (area coverage is 65%)

The Supplementary Exploration Project for the Eastern Blocks of Srednebotuobinskoye field was developed and approved

Well Group Design for the construction of two exploration wells (No. 502 and 502) was developed and approved


Test Production Project was prepared. The TPP was approved by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra) and Russia’s Central Commission for Oil&Gas Field Development.


The Company started active staff recruitment

Field Exploration Program and reserve estimation are in progress. Production drilling at Pad No. 1 is in progress.


Field construction activities commenced according to the Test Production Project (TTP), which laid the groundwork for future field construction during the Test Commercial Production Project (TCPP)


Field Exploration Program completed, reserves estimated. Production drilling at Pad No. 1 is in progress.


RF State Expert Evaluation Office approved the Srednebotuobinskoye OGCF construction project; hydrocarbons produced from this field will be supplied to the ESPO pipelines

RNG successfully completed drilling wells on pad No. 1 of SB OGCF EBs; Full-scale field construction commenced.

Two oil fields were discovered on the license areas


Start of production and crude oil treatment for delivery to ESPO


RNG Started Commercial Operation of the Eastern blocks of Srednebotuobinskoye field


The company has received the first million tons of crude oil on the Eastern blocks of Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field

Two bridges built by RNG in Yakutia opened to traffic

A promising gas condensate field discovered within the Murbaisky license area in Lensky district of Yakutia. The field named after Ivan Menshikov, the late CEO of RNG


The Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) noted the contribution of RNG to the region development. Aisen Nikolayev highly appreciated the company’s work and stressed its importance for the region economy.

Since the launch of the Eastern blocks of Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field, the oil production volume has reached 3 million tons.

RNG has doubled tax deductions to the state budget. The company transferred taxes and mandatory payments of 10.6 billion rubles.


RNG is the finalist of the HeadHunter employer rating. The company entered the top 200 best HeadHunter employers in the category Large Companies and took the sixth place in its Energy and Raw Materials industry.

The government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) noted RNG contribution to the region development. The company was presented with the letter of gratitude and three signed anniversary signs 100 years of the Yakut ASSR.

RNG spent 160 million rubles for forests restoration in Yakutia. The contract for the all stages implementation was signed with the Federal Budget Institution (FBI) Russian Centre of Forest Protection. The company carried out reforestation on an area of over 640 hectares.


RNG supported the holding of the Russian Men Chess Cup – Cup of the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Stage. It has been the first time that the region hosted such a high-level competition in its history of promoting this sport. Over 60 chess players took part in the tournament.

RNG released more than 1 million peled fry to the rivers of Yakutia. Specialists release the fry to the Vilyuy Reservoir tributary – the Aannaah River, where the fry are delivered in polyethylene bags filled with oxygen.

The town of Mirny saw opening of the children’s playground presented to it by RNG. This large modern play space located on Tikhonova Street was built in accordance with up-to-date standards. The area of 1,870 m2 houses climbing structures, slides, swings, sandboxes, and sports equipment.