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RNG is a Partner of the Russian Open Data Day Conference


The company has been providing financial resources for the event organized by the autonomous non-profit organization Information Culture for many years.

The conference is part of the international initiative International Open Data Day, which helps to promote the concept of open data and information transparency activities of government, business, non-profit organizations and civil society.

This year the event will pass in an online format. The organizers have prepared reports, presentations of cases and master classes on topical issues of various areas of openness and individual projects for the participants of the session.

“We strive to ensure that the state and society share the ideology of openness. Open Data Day is a key event in our activities, where we discuss the most relevant topics in this area. We thank RNG for the permanent support of our event,” noted Ivan Begtin, Director of Information Culture ANO.

“RNG aims to build honest and transparent relationships with key partners and society through constant interaction, consideration of interests and timely information about the plans and results of its activities. Therefore, we consider it is important to support such events as the Open Data Day,” commented Vladimir Rakitin, General Director of RNG.

The autonomous non-commercial organization Information Culture is a Russian non-profit organisation established in 2012. The activities of organisation include the development and popularisation of the concept of open data, improving the information culture of society, civic awareness and public control.
