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Rossiyskaya Gazeta: Oilmen stand for enactment of industry-based small businesses


The 21st international exhibition Neftegaz-2022 and the National Oil and Gas Forum were held in Moscow from April 19 to 23. The event was in the name of market transformation update. The development of hard-to-recover reserves wins a special priority, as it is two thirds as large as all oil production. Reserves increment occurs mainly due to additional exploration of deep horizons of exploited deposits and the discovery of small deposits. It is in the latter case, according to experts, that small oil and gas enterprises became pivotal.

One of the successful examples is RNG JSC. In less than 20 years, it has turned from a small exploration company into an oil and gas holding, considered one of the key private investors in Yakutia. Since 2014, he has invested more than 100 billion rubles in the exploration and development of the most complex northern fields and created over 3,000 highly paid jobs. In addition, the company is actively involved in the socio-economic development of the region.

The importance given to small oil and gas companies in the energy strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035 and the conditions needed to create for their development you can find in the material of Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

For more information, visit the Rossiyskaya Gazeta website.


Press Service RNG JSC


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